Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Green Letter Gg Lesson Ideas

Each child brings something green for show and tell, and dresses in the color of the day if they want to. You can also provide a bag of things that are the color of the day and let the children choose things out of the bag to place on a table. Have each child select their green crayon and color an activity page. I used the Match the Frogs worksheet in the Preschool Thinking Skills worksheets at . The kids matched the frogs with their green crayons, and then they colored their frogs whatever color they wanted.

After colors move on to the letter Gg. Show the capital letter G and the small letter g. I have letter strips with the letters written out on handwriting lines from Dollar Tree. You can find some great posters and things at Honks and Dollar Tree. Sing the alphabet song together and point at each letter while singing. Talk about words that start with Gg, and hold up examples of each if you want to. We talked about green, goat, grass, girl. Read a couple of books to go along with the color and/or letter of the day. We read "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" and "Green Eggs and Ham."

Snack time: Green Apples

Handwriting practice--print the tracing page for Gg and put it in a page protector. The kids can use crayons, washable markers, or dry erase markers to practice writing over and over.

Song and activity: I taught the kids the song "Five Little Speckled Frogs" (you can refresh yourself on the words at
For the activity I found a frog I liked on clip art and pasted five of the frog onto a Word document. I then printed the frogs, let each child color the frogs, and then I helped them cut our the frogs and glue them onto craft sticks. Viola! Five speckled frog puppets to go along with the song. Lots of fun!

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