Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Adventures of Motherhood...

Being a mom is the greatest adventure I have ever embarked upon. You never know what will happen next! Last week all three of my girls woke up before I had time to take a shower. I put them all downstairs, turned on PBS Kids, and went upstairs to wash my hair. I got out of the shower, and I didn't hear any noise so I figured things were going well. I had just finished dressing when my middle daughter knocked on the door and said, "Mom, the baby's on the table!" My seventeen-month-old has recently become quite a climber, so I wasn't surprised to hear she had climbed onto the table yet again. I went out to the dining room to get her down off the table, only to discover she was munching a cracker in one hand, coloring on a piece of paper with the other hand, and sitting in the middle of the table with no diaper on! I couldn't help but laugh! Not only did I find it amusing that the baby was sitting like that on the table, but I also found it interesting that my middle daughter was only concerned that the baby was on the table, not that she had removed her diaper and had apparently been streaking through the house prior to climbing up on the table! Needless to say, I diapered the baby and washed the table before we ate breakfast.

Last night we had some elderly widows from our ward over for dinner. My middle daughter, Jasmine, was sitting next to one of the widows. She proceeded to ask her a mirad of odd questions throughout dinner. We tried to get Jasmine to finish her pizza and get down from the table, but wouldn't you know, she ate seconds and thirds last night before she was finished! We kept telling her to hurry and eat, in hopes she would chew more and talk less. By the time dinner was over she had asked the sweet sister why her eyes were black (she was talking about her pupils), why her hair was white, why she had an owie on her arm, and why her ears were so big. My husband and I were hoping the sister couldn't hear everything Jasmine was saying! My baby was busy entertaining everyone and acting like a clown while Jasmine was asking questions, and when we washed the baby and put her down she tried to run off with the sweet sisters' canes! No one who is easily offended can ever eat at our house because they would surely never come back! :o)

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