Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wedding Ring

Last week I lost the center diamond out of my wedding ring. I was very disappointed, and I haven't found the diamond yet. I told Jim that since we were married in the temple we should have bought an extended warranty on the ring. Jim said that on the bright side, my ring lasted longer than most marriages. Ahh, there always is a bright side, isn't there?
Jim took me to Target and bought me a beautiful sterling silver and cubic zirconium ring for fifteen dollars to wear. It's funny, I have spent a lot of time reflecting this week about my wedding ring and its symbolism. You know what I've learned? My cubic zirconium ring sparkles just as much as my diamond ring (actually it sparkles more because the stones are larger), and it shows the world I am married just as well as my diamond ring. I actually really like me new ring, but I'll admit there is a lot of sentimental value attached to my other wedding ring. It's not the value of the diamond that is the loss so much as it is the fact that I have worn my wedding ring through everything over the past nine years. On the other hand, I now have a ring I can wear and not worry about damaging. I have a quote on my wall (it looks like vinyl lettering but I actually bought it at the Dollar Tree for a buck) that says, "The best things in life aren't things." I guess losing my diamond is a good reminder of that.

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